Our Projects

We provided customized Microsoft 365 training to several hundred employees of a critical infrastructure operator in Northern England. This included three tiers of advancement and support for architectural solutions before migrating to the Microsoft 365 Cloud.

Following the motto “Every Little Helps“, we helped a little to understand the power of the Microsoft Azure Cloud with an immersive day for over one hundred employees at one of the biggest UKL retailers in their HQ at Welwyn Garden City.

Together with one of our learning providers and the local branch of Microsoft Corporation, we created and delivered a series of live webinars focused on Microsoft Azure Arc solutions divided into three parts: Introduction to Microsoft Azure Arc for Beginners / Intermediate-Level Practices with Microsoft Azure Arc / Mastering Microsoft Azure Arc for Business.

We continuously helping one of our partners with training Data Analyst apprentices from the financial sector in the UK. The intensive, almost a week-long training, finalising with mock and then real exam, is one of our most successful projects.